The Apple iPad is one of the most loved tablet computers available in the market. It can help in your work and offers many entertainment options like watching movies, drawing and reading as well. If you are a fan of the iPad, then you should know that it could also be utilized for increasing your productivity. Since 2010, app developers have been consistently producing useful applications for the iPad users, which will help them in performing different necessary daily tasks. In the following, we have listed five of the most useful life organizing iPad apps.
The iXpenselt is an amazing iPad app that makes keeping a tab on all your expenses easy. You can install the iXpenselt Lite free of cost but if you want to get the full version then you will have to pay $4.99. It will help you plan your budget and even count the mileage of your car. This password-protected app offers a detailed report of your expenditures that you can show to your boss for getting reimbursement. It can also take pictures of different receipts.
SugarSync and Dropbox:
SugarSync and Dropbox are two cloud storage apps that you can download and use free of cost. These cloud storages let you save your important files, documents and pictures from the iPad. Later you can access the saved files from any other compatible device like the iPhone or desktop computer. Dropbox is more secured than SugarSync but SugarSync offers more flexibility in sharing files.
For busy people, the Doodle is a necessary app to work with other eventful people. It will cost you $2.99. It lets you make meeting plans and schedules of work. You can make list of possible meeting times and mail it to all the colleagues. Get their replies and fix the best time. This way you can increase your productivity and reduce wastage of time.
The ShoppingList app sorts out all your buying requirements by listing them according to different categories. It will cost you $2.99. This app will minimize your chances of forgetting the correct products. The bar code reader of this app lets you scan the bar code of branded products. You can also email the shopping list to someone else who will actually do the shopping.
This app may cost you a little more than other apps on this list but it is helpful in keeping a minute track of your diet and exercise regime. It can calculate the amount of calories you have consumed if you enter the name of the foods.
The iPad apps for enhancing your productivity can make your daily routines less complicated. They offer different types of services like keeping track of your diet, expenses or making a reading list for you.