Able2Extract Pro 14 Review – The PDF Suite With New PDF Signatures & AI-Powered PDF to Excel

Able2Extract Pro 14
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While you may find any number of PDF tools, most don’t have a complete set of features. In fact, most tools out there offer one or two specific related features that focus on one task, forcing you to buy and install more than one tool. As a result you may be shopping around for a PDF tool that has everything included.

In case you haven’t heard, is the developerof a PDF software tool that just launched a new updatedversion of its flagship software: Able2Extract Professional 14. Their softwarehas long been touted as a Swiss army knife for PDFs because it has a solutionfor multiple PDF tasks. 

That being said, we wanted to check out the newest version and the major new features that it adds to its features, namely the ability to sign PDF and custom convert PDF to Excel using AI-powered templates.

Sign PDF Documents and Verify Digital Signatures

As listed above, this PDF suite allows you to create PDFs with password protection and file permissions. Added to that is the new ability to add an electronic (image) and digital (cryptographic) signature to your PDF.

One thing we noticed in trying the feature is the ease withwhich we were able to do so. The process in Able2Extract is simplified due tothe interface. Clicking on ChooseSignature… in the Digital Signatures side panel will open you up to a newdialog where you select Add Signaturesand then click on the Create…button.

Able2Extract Pro 14

You can then easily type, draw or import your signature image. Click on Add and then click on Sign. You’ll then be able to click and place the signature on the page.

Digital certificates stored on external devices are supported, as well. With them, you can create a cryptographic signature you can add to your PDF on its own, or add it in addition to a signature image via the Digitally Sign the Document option.

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services

The software can also serves users who receive a PDF document with digital cryptographic signature –again, made simple due to the interface.

If you want to check and validate the digital signature, thepadlock icon in the document’s tab is key. You can tell instantly whether yourPDF has a valid digital signature (green), one that is valid with some issues(orange) or not valid at all (red).

Able2Extract Pro 14

Clicking the signature in the side panel will reveal more information on the signer and the digital certificate itself.

Use AI-Powered Templates for Custom PDF to Excel Conversion

The inclusion of artificial intelligence may seem strange for PDF software, but after learning more about this feature in Able2Extract, the addition makes sense.

It’s added to enhance the software’s custom PDF to Excel conversion process, which lets you manually adjust rows, columns and table selections. This template feature is centred upon training Smart and Master templates via the AI-engine.

Smart templates – You train custom Excel templateson 5-10 samples of PDFs with the table structure you want to convert selected.After you train the template, you can upload it when converting other PDFs thatcontain the same table structures. Able2Extract will use that Smart template toselect the table structures you saved without any assistance.

Able2Extract Pro 14

Master templates – These are trained in the same way as Smart templates, but in batch conversion mode. Then just match up the Master templates to the appropriate files you have in the queue and Able2Extract will automatically select the tables in the PDF without having to open the file. 

Training the templates requires some fiddling around with to get your table structures named and set up just right in every sample you have. However, if you need refined control over the PDF tables you need, these templates come in real handy to speed up the process.


How about you? What PDF task do you need help with?

We suggest you download a 7-day free trial of Able2ExtractProfessional forfree on Windows, macOS or Linux and see if it can’t fill all of your PDF needsin one installation.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

Dr Prem Tech and Web Services
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