The ease and comfort that technology has afforded us can increase by many times if Internet of Things materializes. It will not just change the ambience and luxury quotient of our home but also introduce positive changes into our surrounding infrastructure. The Intel insiders believe that 5G will add a new dimension to our lives by furthering the progress already achieved by Internet of Things.
The capabilities and possibilities of 5G technology were discussed in details at the recent Intel Development Forum held in San Francisco from 18th to 20th August. 5G will improve the way we connect and contact others from remote places and simplify life.
What will life with 5G be like?
Suppose you want to travel solo to a hill top cabin and work there for few days. The first problem that will strike you is lack of internet connectivity. Life without wireless connection or personal Wi-Fi has become unimaginable for most of us.
Even cellular connection will be weak at a remote hilltop. On one hand, the urban jungle is draining all inspiration out of your body and mind and on the other hand, the serene hilltop is too remote for your comfort. 5G is the boon that can help you work from any place and anytime.
The Corporate Vice President and General Manager of Intel, Aicha Evans has revealed that 5G will prepare the device for syncing and pairing automatically. The consumers will still be dependent on network providers and a strong network, but connecting to the internet will get simplified.
She also mentioned that 5G is basically a smart combination of the privileges offered by Wi-Fi, LTE, 4G, 3G and 2.5G. The Vice President and General Manager of Intel’s Network Platform Group, Sandra Rivers has addressed the innovation called 5G and provided important insight regarding it along with Evans at the Intel Development Forum 2015.
What’s new about the 5G?
The ‘new’ about 5G is that it works in the manner of a well connected huge network. According to the Intel insiders, even bikes, cars and refrigerators will work smoothly on 5G. Intel has collaborated with Nokia, NTT and SK Telecom for soon turning 5G into our daily reality. 5G is ideal for latest versions of augmented reality, virtual reality, real time and Ultra HD video streaming.
Sandra Rivers says that 5G will change the way we look at technology and interact with the appliances. For example, if you have a 5G network and drive your car, the network will send a message to the car to use the brakes by noticing the deceleration of speed and deployment of air bags and assuming that you are in danger. Rivers has pointed out that soon after the launch of 5G more people will start getting wearable chips implanted in their body.
5G will bring Internet of Things alive
During the Intel Development Forum, Evans made it clear that 5G will come online globally, starting in 2020 and 50 billion devices will be connected. The self-driving cars will communicate with traffic lights without any human guidance, with smart city sensor systems, home appliances, personal drones, robots and healthcare systems.
With 5G Internet of Things will become more effective and efficient. All the IOT devices will use only what they really require. Intel is gearing towards to bringing 100% of the world’s population under a connected network. This vision will take around 10 to 20 years more to materialize.
5G will change the way we interact and connect with others. It is going to bring Internet of Things to our life and make such superior connected technologies more easily available for our regular use.