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Which Presidential Diseases Do You Suffer From?

Most of the leaders of the free world suffered and suffer from diseases that we all do.

From George Washington’s toothlessness (he has no teeth left by middle age), to Grover Cleveland’s gout, to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s polio, to Ronald Reagan’s Alzheimer disease, and finally to George W. Bush’s colon polyps, presidents throughout history suffer from the same diseases and ailments like the rest of us.

So, find out what diseases you have in common with the leaders of the free world!
Here is a list of a few of the diseases our leaders suffered from.

George Washington
Malaria, smallpox, tuberculosis, dysentery, boils (carbuncles), tooth loss, hearing loss, presbyopia, infertility, quinsy, pneumonia, epiglottitis or strep infection of the larynx.

John Adams
Hair loss, depression, boils, heartburn, falling into a coma, hyperthyroidism(?), porphyria (?), rheumatism, manic-depressive (?).

Thomas Jefferson
Cluster/tension headaches, broken/fractured bones, dysentery, depression, rheumatism, constipation, boils, hearing loss, enlarged prostate, Asperger syndrome (?).

James Madison
Frostbite, frequent illness, hypochondria (?), inflamed gallbladder (cholecystitis), arthritis, congestive heart failure.

James Monroe
Malaria, gunshot wound, seizure (stroke?), heart failure, tuberculosis.

John Quincy Adams
Hairloss, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage.

Andrew Jackson
Sword wound, smallpox, depression, gunshot wound, malaria, dysentery, frequent headaches, tuberculosis, edema (dropsy), heart failure.

Martin Van Buren
Frequent colds, indigestion (dyspepsia), gout, asthma, heart failure.

To find out more see here.

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