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Washboard abs proving elusive? Exercises you must do for a flat stomach



To gain a fabulous abdomen you must be ready to sweat it out. But you don’t necessarily need to spend a hefty amount at a gymnasium to get a good abdominal workout. You can get similar result by indulging in exercises that can be easily done in the comfort of your home and without the help of any equipment.

Bicycle exercise

This exercise is pretty simple to do and yet it is highly effective in flattening the stomach since all the abdominal muscles are engaged and worked upon at the same time while performing this exercise. To do this exercise you need to lie flat on the floor, put your arms behind your ears and bring your knees up at an angle of 45 degrees. Thereafter, you simply need to imitate the cycling motion and start making movements similar to pedaling a cycle while twisting your upper body. Ensure that during this exercise your right elbow comes in contact with your left knee and vice-versa.

The seated crossover

This exercise is immensely helpful in toning the upper abdominal muscles. Take a hard chair and sit straight on the front edge of it while keeping your feet flat on the ground. Lift your hands and bent them at a 90 degree angle while making sure that your elbows are placed parallel to your shoulders. Your palm should be pointing upwards towards the ceiling. Bring your right knee and left elbow towards each other while exhaling. Return to the the previous position while inhaling. Repeat the steps with your left knee and right elbow. Repeat this move while alternating the knees and elbows for about a minute.

Opposite arm and leg raise

This balancing exercise not only helps to flatten the stomach but it also creates long muscles and provides a lean structure. The muscles of the middle section of the body, i.e. the stomach area, also get strengthened through this exercise. To do this exercise, place a rug on the floor (so that your knees are not hurt) and sit on it on your knees and palms as illustrated in the picture. Stretch your right hand in front of you and your left foot behind you and balance yourself on the left hand and right foot that are placed on the ground. Hold this pose for a few seconds and repeat the process with the left hand and right foot.

The mountain tilt

Stand straight with your feet wide apart and your hands resting by your sides. Raise your left hand so that it is positioned parallel to your left ear. Slowly bend your hand towards the right side while tilting your upper torso, i.e. your body waist upwards, in the same direction. Return to the starting position and repeat the process with your right hand. Start with around 10-15 tilts on each side and increase the number of tilts if required. This exercise works on your obliques apart from working on your abdominal muscles and therefore gives your stomach a toned look instead of simply flattening it.

The cobra pose

Lie down on the floor on your stomach. Put your hands just beside or under your shoulders. Slowly lift up your chest and upper body from the ground so that your elbows are extended. Relax your neck. Balance yourself in this pose for a few seconds and return to the initial position. Repeat the steps a few number of times. Do not push yourself too hard to lift your body and reach the exact position in the first go. Also, do not force yourself for too many repetitions if your body doesn’t permit you for the same. This exercise helps to stretch the abdominal muscles as well as strengthen the back muscles.

Bow pose

Lie down on the floor on your stomach and rest your hands beside your torso with the palms of the hands facing upwards. Bring your feet close to your buttocks by bending your knees. Reach out to your feet with your hands and hold your ankles. Inhale and lift your thighs up while lifting your feet away from your buttocks. This will automatically lift your upper torso and your head off the ground. Try to keep the back muscles soft and relaxed while you burrow the tailbone towards the floor. Do not stop breathing during this phase of the exercise though it may be difficult to breathe with the stomach pressed hard against the ground. Remain in this pose for a duration of 20-30 seconds and then slowly release while exhaling. Lie on your stomach for a few seconds and relax. Repeat the process 2-3 times for best results. This exercise is extremely effective in toning abdominal muscles.

The roll up

Lie down straight on the floor on your back with your hands stretched above your head and your feet joined together. Slowly lift your head and upper body along with your hands and try to reach out to your toes. Hold your toes for a few seconds and return back to the starting position. Pause for a couple of seconds and repeat the exercise. Start off with around 10-15 repetitions. You can increase the number of repetitions when your body starts getting more comfortable with this exercise. This exercise gives an extensive workout to the upper abdomen, making your stomach flat.

Reverse crunch

Reverse crunch works extensively on the lower abdominal muscles and strengthens and tones them. Lie down on the floor with your hands resting by your sides, your knees bent and your feet off the floor. Move your knees towards your chest while making sure that you are working from the hips and not merely moving your legs. Simultaneously, lift your hip upward and off the floor. Keep your head and shoulders steady on the floor. Hold on to this position for a few seconds and then return to the initial position. For best results repeat the exercise a few times.

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