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Tracy anderson diet

diet program

Tracy Anderson Diet has proven to be one of the most effective and result producing diets of the modern era. Thousands of women have been able to change their life by following the particular diet up till now.

Tracy Anderson Diet

Losing around 10lbs every month is like a dream come true. Tracy Anderson recommends the dieters to follow the 3 rules of this diet strictly in order to succeed. Here are the 3 rules of Tracy Anderson Diet.

Rule 1 – Avoiding White Carbohydrates

Any food that contains white carbs must be avoided immediately. The “foods to avoid” include milk, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc. White carbs are known to be the primary source of fat content in human body. These carbs seem to slow the metabolism while making it hard to breakdown fat content.

Rule 2 – Avoid Drinking Your Calories

It is one of the most common mistakes that lead to 90% of failure cases. Women usually resort to fruit juices when they are following a particular diet which results in energy deficiency. You must know the right food to substitute for another food. Avoid drinking your calories because they must come from solid foods.

Rule 3 – Avoid Confusion by Repeating Foods

Confusion on what to eat and what not to eat can lead to failure. You must avoid confusion by repeating the eating schedule. Create a diet plan which includes 3 or 4 options for breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner. Here are the major options you can include in this diet:


  • Pork
  • Egg whites
  • Chicken breast
  • Grass fed organic beef


  • Mixed vegetables
  • Asparagus
  • Peas
  • Spinach


  • Pinto beans
  • Lentils
  • Black beans

To make the diet more effective, you must have a break of 1day from the diet schedule. You are allowed to eat whatever you want on this day. Tracy Anderson Diet has done wonders for numerous women. Follow the diet strictly to be one of these lucky women.

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