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Surprising hair care rules that you should keep in mind

hair loss treatments

Healthy, bouncy, shiny hair can truly be your crowning glory. Beautiful hair has an important role to play in enhancing your appearance. You can easily take care of your hair by following some simple hair care rules and avoiding the common hair care mistakes. You need not spend lots of money on hair care products and salon treatments. The secret of healthy hair is a healthy and fit stomach. Your skin and hair reflects your inner healthy. That is why if you want to get beautiful hair then you will have to start taking care of your health. In this article, we have discussed some rules and tips for getting shiny, soft locks.

You can restore the lost health and shine of your locks by changing your lifestyle. The first thing you need to do is review your daily diet and change unhealthy eating habits. Eat less oily and spicy food. Do not starve yourself for too long. Have five to seven small meals daily.

Keep a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet for getting proper nutrition. Also, eat plenty of fishes and milk or curd because these foods are rich in proteins and minerals. Soak a handful of almonds overnight and eat them the first thing in the morning in empty stomach. Stop excessive smoking and drinking, and drink lots of water.

Do not blow-dry your hair everyday. Changing your natural hair structure is not a good idea. Every time you blow-dry, your hair it loses the natural moisture and becomes frizzy.

Air-drying your hair is the best way of retaining the moisture. If you do not have time, then let the hair air-dry for some while and then blow dry it.

You should not shampoo your hair everyday. Shampooing your hair can also damage it and rob its natural moisture. Shampoo only thrice a week but not daily. After shampooing and conditioning your hair, you should also rinse it with apple cedar vinegar occasionally. The vinegar will make your hair soft and shiny. Oil your hair once a week. Olive and coconut oil are good for conditioning your hair. After an hour, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.


Hair is an important part of your body and appearance. To look beautiful a girl must take care of her hair properly. You can take care of your hair easily with the help of some home remedies.

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