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Super foods to increase muscle growth and body mass

Super mass increasing


To put up strength and drop fat, you require various food items that include different healthy foods. Intake of foods, that are rich in proteins will help you to assemble and preserve muscle mass. Protein foods will help you to put up strength and in losing the fat. Protein is essential in superior magnitude for the body builder, to assist the body nurture and build up. This reality pertains to all those people engrossed in lots of physical commotion. Intake of different fruits and vegetables will aid you to recover from heavy workouts, as they contain all essential minerals and vitamins. Carbs help you to be energetic during your workouts at gym. Keep in mind to devour ample mixture of healthy foods.


You must be aware of the fact that eggs are rich in protein. Eggs are best source of vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids. This has become possible with the addition of flax kernels to the diet of hens. The eggs tend to savor more with this practice. Moreover, eggs are cheaper and rich cause for energy. Eggs can preferably be boiled and consumed. If at all you are planning to add it to salads, make sure to include some olive oil, as it contains mono unsaturated fats, that aid in preventing cancer and heart ailments.


Legumes are an exceptional foundation of soluble fiber to maintain the blood sugar levels. Majority of plant foods are slow dischargers of carbohydrates and supply more constant energy required for heavy work outs. Legumes can be added to most of your soups and salads, especially bean varieties that include lima beans, lentils, chickpeas which taste good, when served chilled. Also include 3 liters of water into your diet plan. You can also have green tea.


Nuts are considered to be the power houses of nutrients that include fiber, potassium, zinc, magnesium, poly unsaturated fats, antioxidants vitamin E and arginine. The fats in the nuts are advantageous for the people who are planning to build the body. But be cautious to consume them in moderate quantities. Or else it would end up in increasing your body fat. Some good choices would be almonds, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, and pistachios. This can be added to your salads. Include them preferably in your breakfast.

Whole grains


Some whole grain foods are whole wheat, barley, oats, brown rice, bajra, millets and corn. All these provide stable energy for the body builders while undergoing hectic training. These can be added to your regular food items that include rotis, bread and dahlia and even some snack items that are free from oil. Whole grains can be included to any part of your meal, be it a breakfast, lunch or even dinner. Quinoa will also be a good choice.


Salmon will be a great addition to your diet which is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids that help in muscle building. This would help you to convalesce from your hectic workouts. Salmons, especially the wild ones are considered to be the rich source of protein. Meat of grass fed beef also contains high protein values and vitamins and minerals like B12 vitamin, zinc, and omega 3 fatty acids. You can even try turkey which is free from saturated fats.


Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts, watercess, broccoli, are rich in fiber, vitamin C and contain very low calories. Including these vegetables will add micronutrients to your diet. They burn more calories when eaten raw. Consume them in the form of salads, by adding moderate quantities of salt and pepper to enhance the taste. Spinach is an alkaline food that prevents bone and muscle loss. Because of its high nutrient value, include spinach in your regular food items like parathas, spicy pancakes and even curries and soups. It aids in the prevention of heart ailments and various types of cancers.

Tomatoes and carrots

Tomatoes do not lose their value when cooked. This is such a form of food that will benefit you as their antioxidant power increases even after being processed. The lycopene pigment found in this food item will be made available to you even after heating. This can be consumed raw and can be added to most of your salads, curries and even to some of your snack items. Better consume it daily. Carrots are rich in fiber which can be included to your diet. Carrots contain huge quantities of A vitamin. Carrots improve your night vision and aid in eye care. These are low in calories and taste good when consumed raw.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds emerge from flax plant, which is considered to be the best source of omega 3 fatty acids. They are rich in phyto chemicals and fiber. They contain powerful anti oxidants that keep you fit and healthy. This can be added to your food items by grinding them to a fine powder. Many types of food items like cookies, breads and some baked items are made of these flax seeds. They can be consumed in the form of soups and salads. Yogurt free from sugar, can be eaten along with flax seeds. It prevents all types of gastro intestinal disorders.



Fruits are more helpful in your body building process. Some of the fruits like oranges, sweet lime are rich source of C vitamin, that aid in fighting diseases. They contain many essential nutrients, vitamins and beta carotenes. Try to consume the juices without adding sugar. Apples aid in shedding extra fat and source of vitamin A. Berries, blue, black and rasp are rich sources of antioxidant that fight cancers and heart ailments. Fruits are must to your daily diet. Fruits can be preserved in the form of juices and jams. But fresh fruits are always preferable.

So, try to include most of these items into your diet.


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