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'Sleepless in Menopause City': A survey for menopausal women

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Menopause or change of life is linked with insomnia among menopausal women. As per the findings of a U.S. survey almost half of menopausal women have sleep disturbances every night, and one-quarter have sleep disturbances several times a night.

The Sleepless in Menopause City survey claims that the findings are very surprising as the women concerned are not even aware that their sleeplessness is associated with their menopausal condition.

And almost 55% of the ignorant menopausal women dont even discuss the issue of their sleep with their doctors. And the other 47% have not recieved any specific treatment inspite of reporting the problem to their health providers.

Women generally associate the more common symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats and headaches with their menopause but the main problem gets away unnoticed due to their unawareness.

The fatigue which is generally complained is the direct result of the loss of sleep experienced by menopausal women.

The findings of the survey was released by Red Hot Mamas, a menopause education group.


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