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Sharing Medical and Personal history


Sharing your medical and relevant personal history

Your doctor will take your case history to know your complaints and other related information. This is the most important part of your discussion. Hence, it is necessary for you to be attentive and co-operative with your doctor. Your active role is highly appreciated during history taking, which will help your doctor in better evaluation of your problems.

There will be a set of questions that your doctor would like to ask you. They would range from your medical concerns to other details related to your health and family. It is important that you get to know their questions correctly and answer them properly. 

Medical History

As a part of medical history you would be asked about the nature of your illness, the time of onset, the duration for which the illness is present, associated complaints, etc. It is advisable that you answer all the queries correctly and as precisely as possible. For example, if you are having fever, please let your doctor know since how many days. The way it started and any other associated symptoms like vomiting, headache, etc. Let them know if you have taken any medications for the same.

Your doctor would also like to assess your past medical history. This means any medical events that you had in your past. For example details of any major illness, any surgery, or accident. Let them know if you are suffering from any chronic illness or any other complaints that are present for long. Also, share your previous medical prescriptions, if any, with your doctor. If you are taking any regular medications, let your doctor know about it. 

Family History

In many cases it is important for your doctor to evaluate your familial tendency for certain medical illnesses. Hence they would ask you about your family history. So let them know about any illnesses that have run in your families. In case there have been any death in the family, due to medical reasons, let them know about it.

Personal History

Personal history often includes your personal likes and dislikes, your diet and regimen. Give them details regarding your daily routine, exercise schedule, sleeping patterns, etc. Talk to your doctor about your work environment, your professional relations with your colleagues and seniors. Also, let them know about your personal relations with your friends and family. You can trust your doctor and share any relevant details regarding your personal problems. Discuss about any issues that you feel are troubling you or are causing stress at home or workplace.

You can help

Some important things that you can do to help your doctor provide your better medical help are:

  • Make a note of your complaints and related details and carry the list of medications you are taking.
  • Carry all your medical reports and other medical records to share with your doctor.
  • Trust your physician and be honest to their questions. Answer them to the best of your knowledge and do not hide anything.
  • Ask questions wherever you are not clear about the question asked and take instructions in writing, which can be used for the next visit.

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