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Save 'lunch' for good health, at least

Breakfast, low tea, elevenses, lunch, tea, high tea, supper and dinner….. Do you remember anything after reading all these words? Its all were opportunities to eat during twenty-four hours sometimes before. First of all elevenses disappear from the list, then tea, both high and low, went off. Now it is the turn of lunch to disappear at least in U K.

According to a recent poll, lunch has become an old-fashioned concept now. People buy sandwiches and other fast foods. They spend just three and a half minutes only eating them. People protest to save any species that they think to be in danger. Mid-day meal is silently going to disappear and there is no murmur.

It says always that we are in the middle of a food revolution. The fact is that people do not have time now to sit and have the lunch with communicating fellow people. In some part of Europe, people spend three and a half hours over lunch than three and a half minutes in U K. Medical experts say also, ‘save ‘lunch’ for your good health, at least’.


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