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How to Get Rid of a Double Chin

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The extra fat content that gets stored around the neck area gives the impression of another chin formation. This could be a result of over weight, hereditary, ageing or even poor posture. A double chin may look adorable on some and hideous on others. If you fall under the latter category then it is high time you checked out a treatment which will help you get rid of double chin and give your face a good look it deserves.

With developments in the field of healthcare and technology, there are many surgical procedures to remove double chin. But it could be an expensive and painful process which not all can go through. But don’t panic as there are lots of other methods through which you can get rid of your double chin. Here’re some effective ways by which you can do so without spending a hefty amount on surgeries. Read on.

Complexity Level: Basic

Time Required: 5 to 10 minutes daily for exercising


1. Chin exercise

  • Exercising the Platysma muscle is important to get rid of double chin flab.
  • To do so, open your mouth wide, pull the bottom lip over the bottom set of teeth and then work your jaw in an up and down movement like you are trying to scoop something with your lower jaw. Continue the process for a few minutes
  • This exercise creates the required heat development which gradually burns the fat content around the Platysma muscle and provides the required strength to the neck area, ultimately toning down the double chin.

2. Chin wrap

  • This process requires the person to use a chin wrap around the affected area for a certain period of time on a regular basis
  • A gel medication needs to be applied over the double chin and then covered tightly with a wrap.
  • The gel works its way through the loose area formed by the double chin, causing some kind of a massage therapy and makes the skin tight and reduce fat content.

3. Exercise and diet

  • It is undeniable that you need to get rid of that excess fat in your body.
  • Starting a good exercise regime combined with a healthy diet will help you get rid of double chin.
  • Doing so would not only help maintain overall good health but also burns out the excess fat content in the body and prevents further damage.
  • Join a gym or work out at home with cardio exercises like running, aerobics etc and chart out a balanced diet which would aid in the overall fat reduction.

4. Neckline slimmer

  • Neckline slimmers are devices that can be used on the chin and around your neck which would help reduce the fat content around that particular area.
  • They have to be used regularly and as per instructions mentioned.
  • It acts as a massager which when used around the affected area would create a massaging effect producing the required amount of heat to melt the fat
  • They are widely available in the market. They are not too expensive and can even be ordered online.

5. Good posture

  • Not maintaining a good posture can cause all sorts of health problems, one of it being a double chin.
  • When your jaw muscles are too slacked the body fat and loose skin start to accumulate there.
  • So sitting up straight in your chair with you jaw slightly jutted will definitely keep that double chin away.
  • Getting proper chairs meant to keep your back straight and maintain a good posture would help you attain this easily.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is chin liposuction?

Chin liposuction is an expensive surgical procedure where fat from chin area is drained off. The surgery is proven effective in getting rid of excess fat and tightening the skin around neck area. With latest developments in the field of healthcare, liposuction procedures are known to be much simpler with tiny skin incisions and quick recovery. But you must also understand that you are prone to risks such as infections and blood clots.

Quick Tips:

  • Chew on sugar free gums or raw vegetables to keep working your jaw.
  • Watch what you eat. Avoid fatty foods and reduce sodium intake.

Things To Watch Out For:

If you are prone to double chin due to hereditary reasons, then you should start taking precautions much earlier than you start seeing signs of a double chin development.

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