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'Rember' pill hailed as biggest breakthrough for treating Alzheimer

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Rember, a new trial drug, is the biggest breakthrough for treating Alzheimer patients with declining memory. The UK scientists hail this achievement as the biggest ever in last 100 years. The drug is still on trial run. Nearly 321 patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer’s were put on Rember for 50 weeks and 80% reported no further decline in cognitive abilities compared to those who were on placebo drugs. Images of brain scan show rember treated the parts of brain directly linked with memory.

In Alzheimer’s, nerve fibres get tangled preventing blood supply to the affected parts of the brain. Alzheimer is a degenerative disorder. So if a drug stops decline in the symptoms, it is a big achievement. Now next part will be to study if drug can repair the damaged tangled nerves in severe cases. The drug will go through more trails to check for the safety and side-effects as well.

Nearly 700,000 Britons suffer from dementia with majority developing Alzheimer’s. Though the drug will be available over the counter only in 2012, the news of this breakthrough brings hope to millions of patients coping with Alzheimer’s all around the world.


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