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Reasons why demystifying vision and eye care myths are necessary

We all have been hearing plenty of stuff regarding vision and eye care for long, majority of which is simply a myth. This article is going to demystify certain vision and eye care myths, which you probably thought were true.

Sitting and watching TV too close is bad for the eyes

There is no scientific proof that sitting too close to television damages eyesight. However, if you feel the urge to sit close to a TV to watch your stuff, it indicates a vision problem that you might have. It is a symptom of nearsightedness for which you can consult an ophthalmologist.

Wearing glasses makes eyes dependent on them

Wearing glasses in no way makes eyes dependent on them. In fact, it is a necessity that enables the wearer to see things clearly. So you can say that wearing eyeglasses makes an individual habitual of seeing things clearly.

Crossing eyes makes eyes stay like that forever

If you say this to stop your child from crossing his eyes, then it is fine but it is just a myth. Crossing eyes doesn’t do any permanent damage. They come back to their original position instantly after you stop crossing eyes.

Misaligned eyes go away as the child gets older

Misaligned or the crossed eye is a condition that doesn’t correct on its own with age. To get rid of such eye condition, one has to go through surgical procedures and rely on ways such as eye drops, patching and glasses as soon as possible.

Staring at the computer for prolonged hours ruins eyesight

This is probably the most popular vision myth that you must have been hearing since forever. Staring continuously at the computer for long makes eyes dry and you feel the strain. This happens because you forget to blink your eyes while you stare but it doesn’t ruin eyesight. Therefore, take breaks and keep blinking your eyes while working on computer. For more information, visit website to know more about myths that have been perplexing your mind.

Nothing can be done to prevent vision loss

Blurred vision, flashes of light and eye pain are some symptoms of vision loss. If you manage to detect these symptoms early, you can correct, slow down, or even stop vision loss. Therefore, be cautious and see an eye specialist at the earliest if you experience any of such symptoms.

Staring at the sun with eyeglasses on is okay

Staring at the sun, be it with or without eyeglasses, is not recommended. The UV rays are harmful for the retina, cornea and the lens, which even the highest quality sunglasses can’t block completely. Also, looking at solar eclipse with bare eyes is harmful.

Blue-eyed mother and father can’t produce a brown-eyed child

This is a sheer myth, as blue-eyed parents do produce brown-eyed children and vice-versa. However, it is a rare case but it is not impossible.

Only boys can be colorblind

Only boys can be colorblind and girls cannot is a yet another vision myth that you need to get away with at the earliest. There have been a lot more cases of color blindness in boys and less in girls, which proves that girls can also be colorblind.

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