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Prediction about heart failure is possible with blood test!

Researchers have given vent to an idea, which states that blood test could enable them to know better about patient’s cardiovascular health. According to these experts, through blood test, they can measure a protein called proBNP, which enable them to predict about heart health. Experts further states that body naturally releases this protein when there is a threat to heart, which enables experts, taking important measures sooner. According to these experts, whereas measure of this protein about 12,000 predicts about the higher danger to heart, while measure below 1,000, or near about it, predicts that heart is quite save.

I can dare say that this finding is really very significant which enables doctors to predict precisely about the health of a patient’s heart. Moreover, it allows both patient as well as doctor to take important steps sooner.

Image credit: BBC

Via: Ivanhoe

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