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California wildfires having drastic effects on children's health

No doubt, wildfire that erupted in California in the year 2003 has calmed down, but its bad implications are still smoldering in the form of wheezing and other respiratory problems in many children, among which asthma is also a prominent implication. Asthmatic children were more vulnerable to the bad implications of the smoky air.

To get the depth of the impact of the wildfires, Kunzli and his colleagues at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles surveyed about 873 high school students and the parents of 5,551 children between the ages 6 and 7 years old and concluded that the condition of about 706 children with asthma has exacerbated seriously due to this fire smoke.

Disclosures made by this study are really appalling, but we should learn a lesson from this and should make sure that in future such incidents may not creep out.

Via: Reuters

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