MTA's 2011 Initiatives


MTA Launches 2011 Medical Tourism Initiatives

WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA–(Marketwire – Jan. 11, 2011) – The Medical TourismAssociation has announced its new Medical Tourism 2011 Strategic Initiativesand Campaign. The theme for 2011 will be “Patients in Emerging Markets,Market Research and Intelligence.”

Over the last four years, the Medical Tourism Association has developedplatforms for business to business relationships between stakeholders in theinternational healthcare realm. We have effectuated educational platformsfor governments, investment organizations and insurance companies to betterunderstand the opportunities and challenges in the industry. As more andmore regions develop their programs for healthcare exchange and export, theMTA’s outreach will be greater than ever. This year the Medical TourismAssociation will be launching some completely new and innovative initiativesincluding the following programs.

* Education and Collaboration with New and Emerging Patient/Buyer ofHealthcare Markets – Developing New Relationships and Increasing PatientAccess in Russia, CIS countries, China, Japan, Middle East and Gulf CoastCountries – Comprehensive Medical Tourism Research, Market Intelligence andTrends

* Greater Expansion of Consumer Awareness Campaigns

* Comprehensive Web Campaign Targeting Prospective Patients throughEducation Portals

* Travel Industry and Travel Agents Partnerships and EducationalPrograms

* Continuum of Care Networks through Educational Programs and CME

We would like the industries feedback. Please let us know of any initiativesor programs you would like the MTA to work on not listed above, orsuggestions, comments and feedback about any of the initiatives above.

About the MTA

The Medical Tourism AssociationT (Global Healthcare Association) is thefirst international non-profit trade association for the medical tourism andglobal healthcare industry made up of the top international hospitals,healthcare providers, medical travel facilitators, insurance companies, andother affiliated companies and members with the common goal of promoting thehighest level of quality of healthcare to patients in a global environment.Our Association (Global Healthcare Association) promotes the interests ofits healthcare provider and medical tourism facilitator members. The MedicalTourism AssociationT (Global Healthcare Association) has three tenets:Transparency in Quality and Pricing, Communication and Education.


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