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Minor strokes-related hidden disabilities can impair one's full recovery: Study

proper counseling and awareness programs can save

A couple of years ago, scientists have found that minor strokes are often followed by other strokes or heart attacks within the next decade. And, after suffering a minor stroke, waiting for even a couple of weeks for a medical consultation may increase the chance of having a major one!

But, what causes the after-effects of a medically-termed ‘minor stroke’ has been clearly revealed by a recent study. It says that a stroke, even though minor, often lead to disabilities that stay hidden — significantly impairing a stroke patient’s full recovery!

Do you know that a person with a history of a minor stroke has a 44 percent risk of having a stroke or heart attack during a 10-year period?
These are precisely the consequences of the above mentioned hidden disabilities.

The new study found that nearly half of ‘minor stroke’ patients had difficulties recuperating! They generally experience problems either in their employment, social or recreational activities, as well as family interactions.

What is leading to and also deteriorating the problem, is unawareness and lack of proper education on the after-effects of stroke, more importantly, minor strokes – which generally goes neglected.

Thus, to help patients take these after-effects seriously, proper counseling and awareness programs need to be conducted – so that such a minor disease cannot take the shape of a killer and serious ailment.


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