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Migraine diet

Milk Diet

The number of people suffering from migraine headaches is rising every year. The major reasons behind this alarming situation are; changing environment, food we eat, increasing stress and several other factors. Medication is the solution to recover from migraine headaches. On the other hand, diet is the ultimate solution that can prevent the occurrence of migraine pain.

Migraine Diet

The diet is nothing unusual. It is designed to make an individual eat healthy foods and avoid foods that can trigger. Migraine Diet also helps in easing or reducing the symptoms of migraine.
Your first priority should be to exclude the foods and drinks that act as a trigger to migraine headaches. Here is the list of foods to exclude from your diet.

Foods High in Phenylethylamine or Tyramine

In most of the migraine cases, foods that contain high Tyramine and Phenylethylamine become the reason for severe pain. Seeds, aged cheese, nuts, and processed meats contain amino acids Tyramine. Red wine is also harmful.


It is found in salami, hot dogs, and bacon. Vegetables like radishes, lettuce and spinach also contain a high level of nitrates.


Apricots, figs, prunes, and grape juices are highly rich in Sulphate.


It is found in flavor enhancement products.


It is also known as Nutrasweet. It is an artificial sweetener.


Migraine headaches can be triggered due to excessive consumption of alcohol. All beverages containing alcohol include high levels of Tyramine.

The second priority should be on the foods to include in your diet. Here is a list of the foods that can help in decreasing the symptoms, intensity, duration, and frequency of migraine headaches.


It contains Omega 3 fatty acids that lower the production of Prostaglandins, the chemicals that cause inflammation, and leads to migraines. You may include mackerel, tuna, pacific herring, and salmon.

Magnesium Rich Foods

Black beans, seafood, and soymilk have a lot of magnesium. It keeps blood pressure level stable while acting as a migraine relief agent.


Walnuts, whole grains, turkey, and black-eyed peas are rich in Tryptophan. These foods help increase the production of Serotonin. The neurotransmitter reduces the number of migraine attacks.


You should drink a lot of water as it helps in washing away harmful toxins and keep the body hydrated. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

You are allowed to sprinkle a little bit of ginger or cayenne pepper on the foods you eat. It helps in reducing the symptoms of migraine.

Olive Oil

It is rich in Vitamin E. It helps in reducing inflammation and improving blood circulation.


You may have few servings of caffeine to ease the migraine pain while it regulates blood vessel constriction.
From the above-given information, you can design an appropriate diet plan to recover from migraine pain. Migraine Diet has helped thousands of people around the world. The key is to eat regularly in moderate portions.

Maintain a diary in which you may record the frequency and gap of migraine attacks to see the results after you start consuming the Migraine Diet.

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