Make a healthy menu for your child’s diet

Childhood is the best part of everybody’s life as it is the most beautiful phase of our life. Children need healthy and balanced food for their body to grow. If a child is deprived of healthy food, and instead subsides on unhealthy food, the child might face several health related problems in future. Childhood is the time when maximum growth of our body take place and it is important to feed healthy food to children. Several studies have shown that the type of food that we feed our kids in their early stage of life this will affect them in the long term. This is because our eating habits influence our weight, mental and physical health.

For many parents buying and preparing healthy food is very easy, but it is quite hard to make your child eat that food. Parents often have to struggle while feeding their kids and that makes the mealtime frustrating.

mother and children eating

The importance of a balanced diet

Balance diet is vital for healthy living, especially in kids because it provides essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrition that every child need for proper growth and development. Vitamins and minerals are vital as they play important role in the proper functioning of the body. Balanced diet contains calcium, vitamins, iodine, and zinc that are essential for development. These minerals and vitamins have various effects on our health and growth.

  • Calcium helps in the growth of bones and makes bones strong. Bones rapidly grow during the early age and kids need enough calcium to build strong bones and fight bone loss in old age. If you will not feed sufficient calcium to your child then it may lead to problems like bone loss, low bone density, and risk of osteoporosis. Additionally, calcium also helps in muscle contraction, transmitting message through the nerves, and helps in releasing hormones.
  • Vitamins are equally important for kid’s growth and health as human body need this to work properly and helps in required growth. Vitamin D makes bones stronger, vitamin protect from night blindness, vitamin C helps in healing, and vitamin B provides energy.
  • Like vitamins, minerals help in growth and development of the body. It helps in building of strong bones and also helps the body to perform different functions. Additionally, it also helps to maintain the heartbeat.
  • Iodine helps in the development of the brain and improves the learning, and understanding ability, especially in kids.
  • Zinc boosts the immunity system in children and helps them to fight with disease.

eating child

Preparing a healthy menu for kids

It is very important for parents that they make their kids eat healthy food, as this will help in their growth and healthy development. Parents may include fibers, nutrition, minerals, vitamins, and fats in their daily meal. If your child do not like eat vegetables then you can make some delicious food and can try various recopies in order to make your child eat healthy food. It is important to include starchy food in the regular meal of your child.

Vitamins like B, A, and C will help your child fight diseases and helps in his growth. You can encourage your child to eat fish, meat, eggs, beans, peas, fruits, and vegetables. These things will fulfill all basic needs of your child and will boost his immunity. You can also consult a nutritionist, as he will help you to make a healthy meal plan for your growing child.


Our eating habits often affect our health, especially kid’s health. Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy and fit lifestyle. Kids need sufficient minerals, vitamins, fats, and fibers in order to grow properly. It is important for parents that they make them eat healthy food.

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