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Lactose intolerance diet


Are you lactose intolerant? People with “yes” as an answer can read the remaining portion of the article to gain valuable information regarding what to eat and what to avoid eating in a Lactose Intolerance Diet.

Lactose is a sugar found in dairy products and milk. The majority of the people can easily digest lactose due to the presence of “lactase” which is an enzyme in the gut. Some people suffer from lactose intolerance due to less amount of lactase present in the gut. People having a deficiency of lactase have to suffer from diarrhea, gas, bloating, and stomach aches.

Dairy products mainly contain lactose. Diary items include essential naturally occurring nutrients such as calcium and protein. Avoiding dairy products is not the solution for lactose intolerance.

Foods to Include

Yogurt Good bacteria are present in yogurt. These bacteria digest the lactose content that you gain from any type of foods. Greek yogurt is the best type of yogurt to consume in this diet.

Aged Cheeses
 Hard cheese contains lesser lactose content. Lactose is present in the watery portion of milk. Hard cheeses have a lesser liquid which supplies low lactose content. Parmesan, Aged Gouda, Pecorino, and Extra sharp cheddar cheese are some of the cheeses to choose from.

Low Fat Dairy Products
You must consume low-fat dairy products in a lesser quantity such as low-fat milk and low-fat cheese. Combining these items with other meals can be a good way to consume dairy products.

Foods to Avoid

High Fat Dairy Products 
Cream, soft creamy cheeses, and ice creams must be avoided in this diet. These items are difficult to digest for lactose-intolerant people.

Whey Protein It is present in several foods to make them creamier and rich. People suffering from lactose intolerance cannot include these foods as they are unhealthy for such people.

Frozen Yogurt or Soft Serve Ice Cream Smoothies, soft desserts, protein shakes and other liquid items should be ignored when following a Lactose Intolerance Diet.

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