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Do kids with higher IQ really turn veggies?

If your kid has higher IQ then most likely he would turn into a vegetarian till he reaches the age of 30s, a new study by the British researchers has wrapped out this fact after studying about 8,170 men and women who were born in the year 1970. These participants took an IQ test when they were just 10 years of age and after 20 years researchers tried to find out whether they were vegetarians or not. Therefore, the answer that loomed out stated that most of such people with higher IQ had turned vegetarian. However, some of the participants called themselves vegetarians, in spite of the fact that they ate fish and chicken.

I doubt, that children with higher IQ have any possibility that they would definitely turn vegetarian. Since, this study itself reveals that some of the people with higher IQ were not vegetarian and some turned out to be vegetarian. Results of this study seem more based on chance than on facts.

Via: CBS News

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