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Cessation of menstruation after chemotherapy: No reason to worry!

Going for chemotherapy to treat breast cancer may most likely lead to cessation of menstruation in some women but such women need not to worry since, researchers believe that cessation of menstruation after chemotherapy is a good indication, since such women have higher chances of living longer compared to others.

Australian researchers studied about 500 premenopausal women taking chemotherapy drugs for breast cancer and found that menstruation cycle of half of these women turned inert. However, women with ceased menstruation were 40 percent less likely to suffer a recurrence when compared with the women whose menstruation didn’t cease.

Using chemotherapy for breast cancer has two benefits. First, it treats breast cancer and secondly, it suppresses the ovaries resulting in less or no menstruation, which also decline cancer-fueling estrogen level.

Facts naked by this study are exciting and seems to work owing to the concrete evidences attached with it. Recently, news stating that rate of breast cancer has declined amazingly in U.S has already exhilarated patients with breast cancer and I hope this study would also do the same.

Image credit: Irish Health

Via: CBS News

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