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Keeping diabetes at bay

Thanks Lisa for spreading diabetes awareness, especially when Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 20 million people in America have diabetes and 6 million are not aware of it.
As the obesity epidemic is on a rise the diabetes toll is bound to rise. Food care as you have pointed out is at the bottom of not only diabetes but all other chronic diseases.
And Lisa it is a myth that only eating sugary foods might cause diabetes, smoking, drinking alcohol and other odd habits also leads one to be a diabetic. Moreover, a diabetic not only needs to regulate eating habits, but also need to concentrate on certain exercises. Harvard School of Public Health has shown that exercising regularly can help in the case of Type 2 diabetes. Brisk walks and cycling is enough to regulate your body weight and give your body the energy to increase develop insulin sensitivity.
But certain forms of diabetes like gestational diabetes or hereditary diabetes cannot be prevented.
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