Keep breast cancer at an arm's length with recreational activities!

Women regularly indulged in recreational workouts are not as susceptible to breast cancer as women who just spend their time basking under the sun, doing just nothing, a new study by the researchers that studied about 36,363 women have uncovered this finding. During the 18-year old study, researchers found that out of these 36,363 women about 2,548 developed breast cancer and among these 2,548 women, most of the women were those who refrained from recreational workouts. Moreover, it was also found that women participating in recreational workouts have fewer chances of developing breast tumors.

Ultimately, the conclusion that sprang out of this study states that active women are 14 percent less prone to breast cancer while the risk of developing tumors carrying estrogen receptors was surprisingly 33 percent lower.

Once again, it has been affirmed that exercise may play an important role in guarding us from several minor as well as major ailments. Therefore, in this fast moving word it has become quite important to participate regularly in physical activities.

Image credit: Indy Fitness

Via: Reuters

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