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Is Alzheimer's A Diabetes-Like Illness?

Alzheimer’s may be a diabetes-like disease! To give more weight to the notion, researchers say rats depleted of insulin in the brain went on to develop an Alzheimer’s-like illness.

By depleting insulin and its related proteins in the rodent’s brains, the researchers have been able to replicate the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. This included amyloid plaque deposits, neurofibrillary “tangles,” impaired cognitive functioning, cell loss, and overall brain deterioration. All of these are characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease.

Lead researcher Dr. Suzanne M. de la Monte, a neuropathologist at Rhode Island Hospital and a professor of pathology and clinical neuroscience at Brown Medical School, in Providence, R.I concluded, “True Alzheimer’s disease is a kind of insulin resistance in the brain.”

Via: Forbes

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