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How to quit smoking

Smoking is prevalent in almost all the countries of the world. Even with stringent measures, the global smoking statistics is showing in alarming proportions with a lot of youngsters getting addicted to the habit of smoking. Smoking alone causes nearly four to five billion deaths, as per the Global Smoking Statistics. Someone succumbs due to smoking every eight seconds. With numerous anti smoking campaigns, awareness that are increasing among the smokers, are unable to escape from smoking. If you are one among them who want to stop smoking but do not know where to start, here are some tips that will help you to quit smoking. Since nicotine is highly addictive, it is quite hard for the smokers to shake off the habit. With a strong mindset, supports and few aids, you can successfully quit smoking. Read on to find out how to quit smoking.

Complexity Level: Moderate

Time required: 90 days of abstinence

Resources required:

  1. Determination
  2. Support
  3. Positive environment


1. Create a positive attitude:

  • Acknowledge that quitting to smoke will have a very positive health impact on you. Congratulate yourself that you have taken a big step to let go of the hazardous habit. This addiction cannot be stopped at a drop of that hat, but is a process in itself. Surround yourself with all the knowledge that you require to stop this habit.

2. Commit to time line:

  • Choose a date to stop smoking. Do not procrastinate to another new year or another upcoming important day in your life. As with any other project that has a time line, put a specific date to stop smoking. Once you determine the date, next step should be commit to the date.
  • Do not let the time/date slip. Accept that more the time you take to make up your mind, the more you are inching towards a smoking related disease.

3. Fight the urge:

  • Once you commit to the date, impel yourself to stick to the decision. True, it is quite hard to stay away from a habit that has been built over the years. Set smaller goals to achieve, such as refraining from smoking for a month and so on. Survive one day at a time when you are at it.
  • You can defeat the urge to smoke by having a small snack, deep breathing and mainly distracting yourself. Prepare a list of things that you could do to fight that urge to smoke. Use it whenever the desire strikes. Talking to your friends/relatives or writing about your feelings help you in dealing the urge gently.

4. Get support:

  • Getting support from people is a big advantage in removing this addiction. There are a number of online support forums to which you can enroll. Also check for support centers in your locality. Lots of people are there who are as determined as you are to quit smoking. Talking to such people and sharing experiences goes a big way in keeping up the momentum.

5. Do not yield to temptations:

  • While you are in the path to kick the habit from your life, be wary of various temptations that could coax you to return to the smoking habit. When at a party, your friends may persuade you take a puff or two. Try not to yeild to such temptations and get to the habit of saying NO to smoking.

6. Pat on your back:

  • When you are committed and progressing in the right direction, reward yourself for each milestone that you have achieved. You could either spend or pool the money that you used to spend on cigarettes. If you are unable to withdraw at the first attempt, do not lose hope. There are quite a number of people who have completely stopped smoking only after few attempts.

Frequently asked questions:

What are some of the nicotine withdrawal symptoms?

Note that you may or may not experience some or all of the nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Some of them are depression, insomnia, headaches, coughing, anger and exhaustion.

Quick tips:

  1. You should stop caffeine intake to get good sleep.
  2. Set or put up reminders which urges you NOT to smoke.
  3. Do not keep anything related to smoking in your home or work place. Throw away all those things that remind you of smoking.

Things to watch out for:

  1. You can end up with a dry mouth when you abstain from smoking. Drink plenty of water.
  2. You may end up gaining few pounds when you try to refrain from smoking. Keep yourself fit and in shape with regular exercises.

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