Women, fond of eating high-fat ready meals and fast food are comparatively at greater risk of developing cancers, a long study of 13 years after tracking about 64,500 men and women has come up unveiling this fact.
As per the findings of this study, high blood sugar level was somewhere found stirring up the risk of breast, pancreas, skin, womb and urinary tract cancers.
However, it is quite strange to know that where higher level of sugar was found increasing women’s vulnerability to cancers, in men it was found helpful in preventing them from prostate cancer but just marginally.
Throwing more light on this association, scientists, led by Dr. Par Stattin, from Umea University Hospital in Sweden remarked:
Abnormal glucose metabolism was associated with a statistically significantly increased risk of cancer in women but not in men.
Actually, fatty foods are stuffed with glucose, which could harm the body’s ability to break down glucose, increasing risk of diabetes also. This fact was already well known that higher intake of foods stuffed with glucose might give way to health problems like type 2 diabetes, obesity, etc. However, the new revelation, stating that that it can give way to cancers too, is somewhat more shocking. No doubt, previous studies had linked obesity with cancer (as high-fat ready meals and fast foods increase obesity) but this is quite strange to know that women without obesity and diabetes but with higher level of blood sugar could invite deadly cancer.
However, through this study women have found a reason to take a sigh of relief as well, means they can largely truncate their susceptibility to cancer simply by erasing high-fat ready meals and fast foods from their menus. Following words of Dr. Greg Martin give the same view:
And the good news is that it is possible to reduce your blood sugar levels by eating a healthy balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables and maintaining a healthy weight.
To have a better idea that how badly high-fat ready meals or fast foods could affect your health, give a look here:-
Study Exposes Fast Food Health Dangers
Fast food ‘as addictive as heroin’
Why fast food makes you get fat
Fast food facts
Attorneys zero in on fatty fast food as health threat
Via: Tele Graph