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Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Healthier Tomorrow

Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Healthier Tomorrow

Irregular periods, menstrual cramps, pain in abdomen, heavy or light bleeding, and PMS can make any woman uncomfortable and frustrated. Menstrual difficulties can lead to impaired fertility and menopausal issues. So, it is important for every woman to have a normal and healthy menstrual cycle.

Tips For A Healthy Menstrual Cycle

1. Moderate, Regular Exercising

Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Healthier Tomorrow

Too little or too much exercise affects menstruation cycle either way. Studies have shown that women who exercise moderately and daily are likely to have shorter, less painful and regular periods. Exercising can also improve pre-menstrual symptoms in women like fatigue, tiredness and depression. You can choose from a wide range of exercises which are of your interest and suitability. These can be walking, cycling, swimming, dancing, aerobic exercises etc, daily for 30 minutes.

2. Healthy Diet

Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Healthier Tomorrow

Women often compromise upon their nutrient uptake. A healthy diet is important for a healthy menstrual cycle. You should try to consume whole grain and cereals like brown rice, corn, oats, millets etc. For protein supplements include legumes, soybean, fish, and meat, and avoid nuts. Fresh seasonal fruit are rich sources of vitamins, fibers and minerals. Cut down on oily, sugary, salty and fat rich food. Yogurt and whey are beneficial.

3. Yoga

Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Healthier Tomorrow

During menstruation, women tend to become more anxious. A regular practice of yoga relieves you from pain, steers your body and de-stress your mind. This offsets the pre-menstrual symptoms of mood swings, irritation and depression. Sukhasana, Pavanamuktasana and Bhujangasana can be performed. However, yoga should be avoided while menstruating

4. Herbs

Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Healthier Tomorrow

Herbs should be consumed only after consultation from your doctors. Diuretic herbs like parsley, angelica and dandelion helps in fluid retention. Chinese angelica stabilizes the hormonal level to prevent skin blemishes, breast tenderness and cravings. Black cohosh, valerian and chamomile ease menstrual cramps. Red raspberry leaves prevent menstrual cramps. Squa vine increases blood flow. Herbs oils like black currant, evening primrose is beneficial in reducing PMS. Angelica regulates your menses.

5. Avoid Caffeine

Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Healthier Tomorrow

Caffeine consumption exaggerates the uncomfortable symptoms of the menstrual cycle. Drinking caffeinated beverages increases the frequency of PMS like cramps, headaches, irritability, mood swings and breast tenderness. Women who consume excessive caffeine are likely to have short menses with decreased menstrual bleeding.

6. Avoid Smoking And Alcohol

Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Healthier Tomorrow

Cigarette smoking shortens menstrual cycle in women. Excessive alcohol can impair the functioning of hormone releasing gland and alter menstrual patterns.

Quick remedies to be followed by women during painful periods

1. A warm shower can be soothing.
2. Try putting a hot water bottle on the abdomen.
3. You can use basil or chamomile in your tea to get relief from pain.
4. Avoid eating chocolates, drinking coffee and carbonated drinks.
5. Avoid intake of spicy food and bakery products.
6. Drink extra water during periods as it helps in reducing pain.

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