The Economy position very directly affects the statistics related to global health care. The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) has undertaken a comprehensive analysis of the economic impacts of health care reform. They have provided an overview of current economic impacts on healthcare. Such evidence proves how economic position and pattern of any nation affect the expenditure and figures related to the field of health.
The growth in health care spending is crowding out other important priorities such as saving for retirement and for children’s education. Rising costs for health care services and health insurance premiums represent a growing burden for middle-class families all around the globe. Health is a global concern. It is a vital investment in economic development and poverty reduction. Thus, the correlation between the two is strong and direct.
Health spending has been growing at historically low levels in recent years. There has been a significant focus on whether this slowdown in health spending is a result of broader economic factors (such as the great recession of 2007-2009) or structural changes in the health system. Maybe it is even a combination of the two factors. Studies indicate that economic growth and slowdowns have an impact on health spending. Therefore, there is a very strong statistical link between business cycles and inflation and national health spending.
Health expenditures are likely to trend upwards if the growth figures of the economy are high and vice versa. WHO predicts that the impact of slow economic growth or a heavier economic burden will impact the LDCs through reduced demand for exports, tighter access to capital, less foreign direct investment, and falling remittances. Essential life-saving medicines may become either unavailable or unaffordable.
A global crisis requires global solidarity and actions. Maintaining levels of health and other social expenditures is critical to protect life and livelihood and to boost productivity. Thus, global solutions have to be made in order to maintain the revenues so needed to keep up the protocol.
Therefore, it is necessary that we can combat the issue of falling expenditure on healthcare in effect to the heavier economic burden and slow growth of the economy.
There is a direct relationship between global healthcare and economic burden. Studies have suggested that with the fall in growth of the economy the expenditure on health care also decreases and vice versa. Thus, a solution to this issue has to be a global one.