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Gerd diet


GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux
) is common digestive disorder. GERD occurs when the acid
in the stomach flows back into the esophagus and mouth. Normally a
valve, called the lower esophageal sphincter, permits food to be
ingested and stops it from refluxing back into the esophagus. When
this the muscles of the valve are weak and cannot contract properly
the acid reflux appears.

Strong acid juice is normally
produced by our bodies to help disintegrate foods in the process of
digestion. This stomach juice contains hydrochloric acid which the
esophagus can’t handle, leaving you with the feeling of burn and

GERD symptoms

GERD symptoms vary
from one person to another. Depending on the severity of the
condition if you have the symptoms bellow we advise you to consult
your doctor and change your eating habits.

  • Heartburn

  • Difficulty to swallow

  • Dry cough

  • Acid reflux

  • Bleeding

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Lump in the throat

DIY GERD diet plan

There is no specific diet to
diminish the effects of GERD. Each individual suffering from this
condition must eat the food that doesn’t cause acid reflux. You can
start by learning about the foods that are beneficial and those
prohibited so you can combine the proper ingredients into a delicious

When starting medication doctors recommend that you
follow a special eating routine and to introduce small amounts of
food step by step. In this case an eating journal might be just the
thing for you. Gain control over the way in which your body reacts
to certain ingredients.

What to eat
Some ingredients
are know to reduce and even eliminated the effects of GERD.


We recommend that you include
iodized salt in your diet, but only if other health conditions don’t
stop you from doing so. Low iodine levels are connected with
hypothyroidism and also acid reflux.

Pineapple and

These fruits contain substances that have a
big role as digestive enzymes. Including pineapple and/or papaya in
your diet you can alleviate the digestion of proteins from other

Fruits – apples, apple juice, peach,
strawberries, melon, grapes

Vegetables – bakes potato,
broccoli, carrots, cabbage, bean, peas

Meat – white
turkey meat, skinless chicken breast, fish, egg whites

– feta, goat cheese, tofu, low fat cream cheese

– rice (white or brown), rice cakes, graham crackers

– water, herbal tea, skimmed milk

Oils/ condiments –
hummus, low fat dressing, basil, sage, oregano

What to

There a series of foods that can trigger an
increased production of acid and also sever acid reflux symptoms.
Here is a list of what foods are to be avoided if you are suffering
from GERD.

Spicy foods
Anything that
is spicy irritates the esophagus and causes heartburn. By avoiding
this type of foods you can diminish the risk of ulcerations.

fat foods
When eating a meal that is high on fats keep in
mind that fats stimulate the production of acid as they require high
amounts of acid to be digested properly.

Mint and

Both of these foods are better to be avoided
! They contain chemicals that smooth the lower esophageal sphincter
and increase stomach acid, resulting in a sever reaction of acid

Alcohol dehydrates and
irritates the lining of the stomach, damaging the internal tissues
and increasing the acid reflux attacks.

orange, orange juice, lemon, lemonade, cranberry, cranberry

– onions, peppers, radishes, french
fries, mashed potatoes, tomato, tomato juice


fried meat, chicken nuggets, buffalo wings


whole milk, ice cream, sour cream

– cheese bread
(or other products that contain grains and whole milk)


– coffee, whole milk, alcohol, carbonated juices


– mustard, chilli, black pepper, vinegar, pickles


In order to reduce the GERD effects, other than
the eating certain foods and taking proper medication, here is a list
of thing you can do yourself to lower the acid reflux

Lose weight
Obesity is one of the main
factors that cause GERD. Also the severity of the symptoms increases
in people that have extra pounds.

Stop smoking
induces relaxation in the LES, lower esophageal sphincter and
increased the risk of acid reflux.

Stop wearing tight

If you are wearing tight clothes around your abdomen
you are forcing the acid from your stomach to rise up.


High stress levels have an effect on your overall
health and also on the acid reflux symptoms.

Sleep on the
left side

The lower esophageal sphincter is on positioned on
the left side of the body. If you suffer from GERD sleeping on your
right side will allow stomach acid to leak out causing pain and

Keep asthma and diabetes under control

diseases are linked to GERD. It is advisable to keep your overall
health under control so you manage to decrease the acid reflux

Unfortunately GERD can affect all the aspects of
your life, but with proper care and medication you can reduce and
eliminated the effect of acid reflux to the point in which you
shouldn’t require medication anymore

It important to take care of your health. So, if your
condition improves overtime do no include the forbidden foods back in
your diet, but only have a little bite when nasty craving get in the
way of a healthy meal.

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