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For a memory boost, jiggle your eyes

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Forget those so-called pills that you had been gulping to enhance your memory as moving eyes from side to side just for 30 seconds would do that, according to researchers from Manchester Metropolitan University in England.

In the study researchers found that those who moved their eyes side-to-side for about 30 seconds retained in their memories, previously studied words more successfully than those who either moved their eyes up and down or did nothing.

Giving reason behind these facts, experts opined that might be that such eye movement causes the two hemispheres of the brain to interact more, improving the ability to retrieve memories. However, these experts are themselves not very confident about the findings. Perhaps, that is the reason why still they are planning to continue their study over this issue. Confirming it, Dr. Andrew Parker said:

We are conducting more research to clarify and extend the current findings.

Well, until results creep out people suffering form mental health disorders like dementia can hope to retain their memory by jiggling their eyes.


Via: Telegraph

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