Five weight loss myths that need to be busted right now

Losing weight is a concern for most people today as obesity rates are higher now than ever before. But it’s not only the obese that are in the quest to lose weight; many people want to shed extra pounds to be fit and healthy. There are a lot of myths too going around, being presented as facts, to aid in losing weight. Here we bust five weight loss myths, which you should consider when choosing the best weight loss regime for you. 

  • Myth 1: You have to go on unrealistic, crazy diets to lose weight.

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So called weight loss gurus will make you believe that you need to follow some crazy, unrealistic diet wherein you have to eat only sprouts and salads and cut out all beverages. 

The truth: You must cut out all junk food like chips, burgers, pizzas and cola.

You must remember that you have to consume enough calories from nutritious food, and you must burn the extra calories.

  • Myth 2: Exercise, exercise, exercise.

And exercise you must! But you don’t need to spend hours at the gym and workout like a maniac.

The truth: A healthy diet and portion control is far more important than hours of exercising. It’s futile if your diet is unhealthy and you keep exercising – it’s the reason why most people don’t lose weight in spite of exercising every day. Just pick a workout routine, one which you like doing and can follow consistently like walking, swimming, yoga, dancing, hitting the gym, and eating healthy to lose weight.

  • Myth 3: All slimming pills are unsafe to use.

Despite the myth relating weight loss pills to something that are unsafe for human use, several studies carried out in recent past reveal the other side of this assertion.

The truth: Not all weight loss pills are unsafe to use.

Weight loss pills, such as Phentermine and others, are doing wonders for individuals who intend to lose weight faster and in a safer way.

  • Myth 4: Low-fat foods are a healthy choice.

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Foods labeled as “low-fat” are considered to be healthier than “full-fat” versions. 

The truth: Low-fat foods may not be as healthy as you think.

Some low-fat foods contain a high amount of sugar which is detrimental to health. Do read all the ingredients carefully before buying anything marked “low-fat”. 

  • Myth 4: A heavy breakfast prevents weight gain.

People who want to lose weight are often advised to eat a hearty breakfast to stave off hunger pangs during the day. 

The truth:  If you do not feel hungry in the morning, you need not eat breakfast.

But you must eat later on when you’re hungry. Snacking on fruits and veggies is a good idea, instead of chocolates and granola bars.

Crazy diets, “snacking is unhealthy”, sauna baths, juice diets…the list of myths is endless. To lose weight, all that is required is to eat healthy and exercise regularly. The weight loss mantra is to burn those extra calories which are more than what your body requires.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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