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Fibromyalgia diet

Distracted Eating

Fibromyalgia Diet is all about changing eating habits completely and indulging yourself permanently into a healthy diet plan. Junk food is the main reason behind diseases like diabetes and obesity to be so common in the modern era. Junk food can be defined as refined, dead or adulterated food items. The key principle of the diet is to eliminate junk food and include healthy food options.

Fibromyalgia Diet

Dead Foods vs Living Foods

Not all the foods are dead. Vegetables and fruits are not dead once they are picked from plants.  Nutritionists consider veggies and fruits as living foods till the time they stay fresh because they are rich in fatty acids, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. Dead foods are devitalized of nutrients. They seem to fill the stomach but lack in nutrition.

Refined Foods vs Whole Foods

Whole foods contain a high amount of nutrients. Refined foods lack enzymes, minerals, and vitamins whereas whole foods are completely opposite.

Adulterated vs Pure

Pure foods like fresh meat and fish are excellent to include in your daily diet. Almost all the foods are adulterated. No food is free of drugs, pesticides, preservatives, flavor enhancers, and artificial colors. You need to avoid these toxic chemicals as they harm the internal system of the human body. On the other hand, pure foods are free of all these harmful chemicals which is why they should be given preference.

Substituting 8 Essential Items

Sugar You must substitute sugar with unfiltered honey, agave nectar, maple syrup, blackstrap molasses, fruit juice, or stevia.

White Flour Whole wheat flour is the only option to replace it.

Refined cereals and grains
Opt for unrefined cereals and grains.

Salt  It must be eliminated completely. Replace it with herb seasonings or kelp powder.

Refined Oils  Simply use the alternative of unrefined oils.

Homogenized or Pasteurized Milk Consume cultured or raw milk products.

Frozen or Canned Fruits and Veggies
Alternate them with dehydrated or fresh veggies and fruits.

Soft drinks, Cocoa, Tea, and Coffee
Consume herb teas, distilled water and fresh juices.

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