Dark Chocolates are the fantasy that one always can binge anytime. Chocolates are now termed as deserts instead of sweets and any other type of sugar. Chocolate means dark chocolates. But when it comes dark chocolates there are many myths and facts about the same. First and the foremost thing about chocolates is that it does not contribute towards weight gain. Weight gain and chocolates are not connected at all.
The most tempting food right from children to senior citizens is just one and that are Chocolates. People prefer any type of chocolates but very less know the benefits from the same. When next time you think about chocolates then always think of Dark Chocolates.
Dark Chocolates are the fantasy that one always can binge anytime. Chocolates are now termed as deserts instead of sweets and any other type of sugar. Chocolate means dark chocolates. But when it comes dark chocolates there are many myths and facts about the same. First and the foremost thing about chocolates is that it does not contribute towards weight gain. Weight gain and chocolates are not connected at all.
But it should also be committed to memory that chocolates should be consumed in average quantities and not over and above limited proportions. Everything in restricted magnitude is desirable. The calories in chocolates are limited in proportions and hence when it is consumed occasionally it causes no harm to the body. Secondly the myth is also that chocolates have quantity of caffeine. Caffeine is present in tea and coffee as well. So bearing the myth that only chocolates have caffeine then it should be cleared here itself. The quantity of caffeine is not harmful and can be consumed.
The reality is also that dark chocolate does not contribute to cholesterol. Dark chocolate and cholesterol are no way connected and hence it can be eaten at any point of time. It has cholesterol but that is good cholesterol which is good for health. Again the myth is that dark chocolates do not possess any nutritive value. This is absolutely wrong and false. Chocolates have magnesium, copper, zinc and iron. That is why dark chocolate can be eaten. Also anti oxidant which is present in dark chocolate is same as that of red wine. And everyone knows the benefits of red wine.
Who told chocolates contributes to cavities? This is so untrue. Cavities happen when there are bacteria which are locked in between the teeth. So chocolates alone do not cause cavity but anything which is consumed should be washed out properly with the help of water. Some say that chocolates cause headaches and also acne. These all are myths and not true at all. That is why when next time someone says chocolates causes so many side effects then you can rub that out. Chocolates are very safe and the point of fact is that it should be consumed in limited amount. Dark chocolates detoxify body and hence one small bar can be gulped down. The cocoa which is used in dark chocolate is the superman behind the product. It is the cocoa which helps in lowering cholesterol and many other things.
Research also says that dark chocolate helps in protecting heart from many complications. It also helps in reducing the risk from cancer and whenever the mood of any person is sad give a bar of chocolate and your job will be done. In depression also one can have chocolate and can feel little better.
These are some of the benefits which got confused with the myths of dark chocolates. Often the case with layman is that they fail to do a complete research and then the product is negatively published. That is why when the product is bought a complete research should be done before buying the same. Dark chocolates also have a dark side which is when the amount of chocolate goes in increasing then the side effects of the same also increases. Everything in nature should be consumed in limited number as everyone is eligible to get some portion of the benefit.
That is why dark chocolate when consumed occasionally has no side effects and all the misconceptions and myths should be cleared when dark chocolate is in the house and you are hesitating to eat. Very few know that dark chocolate can be used for treating blood pressure but in India still this mentality will take some time to crop in. Dark chocolate is termed as Super Health and the benefits from dark chocolate are proved scientifically.
That is why there are many nutritutionists and dietians who suggest having dark chocolate when they feel fatigue or nausea. For the benefits which it gives to heart dark chocolate is recommended. Also there is something called as raw chocolate which also has same benefits like that of dark chocolate. That is why these types of products are available to the niche market because not all know the benefits of dark chocolate.
The taste of dark chocolate is slightly bitter but some people like the taster and know the benefits of dark chocolate. Everything has a limit. Till that limit all foodstuffs are good for health but when the consumption increased marginally as well then they can have adverse effects as well. So the dark side of dark chocolate is that if moderate consumption is beneficial then major has only and only side effects.
Dark chocolate is a boon in sweets and let it remain boon. Let us not make is a curse by over dosing the consumption of dark chocolates.