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Early exposure to smoking leads to asthma!

A report coming out from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles after studying about 2,609 children and teen with no prior history of asthma concludes that early exposure to cigarette smoke higher up the chances of asthma in adolescents and teenagers.

During study, one fact that came to the surface was that children who smoked about 300 or more cigarettes in one year were at four times higher risk of developing asthma when compared with the children who didn’t smoke.

These researchers believe that second-hand smoking also works in this. Therefore, parents should also not smoke, especially before their children. However, they should set an example before their children to follow by abstaining from smoking. In addition, smoking during pregnancy also tells upon the health of the babies.

I think the best way to keep children away form this unhealthy habit is to tell them the harmful effects of smoking in the long run.

Image credit: unicef

Via: Ivanhoe

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