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Drink Green Tea to Avoid Prostate Cancer!

As per a recent research, compounds present in green tea can be helpful in curing the pro-state cancer in men. Green tea catechins (GTCs) contain the potential in regard to vivo chemoprevention activity for treating prostate cancer in humans.

Trial was conducted on men with high-grade PIN with two groups -providing one group with inactive placebo preparation and other with GTCs 600mgs per day and after one year found that those provided with GTCs, only one man develop pro-state cancer out of 32 men whereas those with placebo 9 men develop pro-state cancer out of 30.

It is due to the GTCs and Mediterranean vegetables that contain anti-oxidants and polyphenols reducing the risks of pro-state cancer.

Well, I respond to it positively because it is an herbal product obtained from plants for benefiting pro-state cancer patients, leaving no ill-effects.


Via: paktribune

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