Dr Prem launches a new guide on How to be a better patient

Dr Prem - Life is not about what you accumulate, It's about what you contribute

A world renowned trainer, global expert and author of Guide Book Series, Dr Prem launches a new guide book on how to be a better patient.

A world renowned trainer, global expert and author of Guide Book Series, Dr Prem launches a new guide book on how to be a better patient. According to Dr Prem, “the most important aspect in this healthcare delivery is the patient; there is a lot a patient can do for himself in order to get best medical services. It is essential that a patient should take due consideration about various elements involved in order to obtain better healthcare services, a better patient is always a successful element of better healthcare outcomes.”

How to be a better patient guidebook, aims to provide some tips on how they can be a better patient tips includes 1) Choosing your physician 2) Communicating with your physician 3) Sharing Medical and Personal history 4) Know about your Medical Condition 5) Maintaining a Health Journal (Health Record or Health Diary) 5) Second opinion – What it is? How to go for it? 6) Evaluating healthcare facilities before treatment 7) Following post-operative rehabilitation amongst many other.

It must be noted that utilizing his diverse knowledge, vast consulting experience and training outcomes, Dr. Prem has come up with series of guidebooks for consumers and for professionals. Dr Prem has published over 15 Guide Book including his famous book Dr Prem’s Guide Book on Medical Tourism. Below is list of selective guide books by Dr Prem

Dr Prem also conducts trainings and workshops in over thirty countries, he works closely with governments, associations, big organizations and individual executives provide them insight on latest development. Dr Prem’s Training program includes:

To contact Dr Prem visit www.DrPrem.com

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