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Diabetic people may benefit from fish oil

A study was conducted on the effect of fish oil supplements on diabetic people and it was found that high doses of fish oil reduced the size and concentration of several lipoprotein subclasses while lowering insulin sensitivity. The fish oil supplements also increased the amount of ‘good’ cholesterol and decreased the amount of fatty substances in their blood.
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Fish oil is derived from the tissues of oily fish. Experts believe that taking fish oil (in any form) can help regulate cholesterol in the body, because fish oil has high levels of Omega 3. The benefits of fish oil is not limited to diabetics alone, it helps people suffering from heart diseases also. The American Heart Association advises heart disease sufferers and people with high triglyceride levels to take fish oil supplements. Pregnant women who take fish supplements are known to have smarter kids when compared to women who don’t consume fish or fish oil supplements.

Should every one be taking fish oil supplements?
No, According to an article in wellness letter, people with bleeding disorders, those taking anticoagulants, and those with uncontrolled hypertension should not take fish oil supplements. Also large doses can cause nausea, diarrhea, belching, and a bad taste in the mouth..



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