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Common Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options for Lymphoma

Lymphoma is a term commonly used to indicate certain types of cancer caused by an uncontrolled proliferation of cells of the immune system aka infection fighting white blood cells or lymphocytes. The abnormal growth of lymphocytes causes them to clump together, creating masses in the lymph nodes and other organs attached to the lymphatic system.

Treatment Options for Lymphoma (1)

There are two types of lymphoma, Hodgkin Lymphoma aka Hodgkin’s Disease (HL) and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma aka NHL. NHL is known to attack the lymphatic system and all the connected nodes and organs in the immune system.

Differences between Lymphoma and Leukemia

leukemia cancer blood leukaemia disease concept vector

Many tend to confuse lymphoma with leukemia considering the fact that the symptoms for both overlap quite a lot. However, they are two completely different conditions. While lymphoma is related to the lymphoid tissue, leukemia is related to the leucocytes, aka the entire white blood cell in the immune system.

Common Causes of Lymphoma

Treatment Options for Lymphoma (3)

Although there is no definite reason for an individual to get lymphoma, there are some risk factors that make a person more susceptible to the disease. These include:

  • Viral infections that suppress the immune system, including Epstein-Barr and HIV
  • Exposure to some chemicals
  • Exposure to high levels of radiation

Symptoms of Lymphoma

acute myeloblastic leukemia(AML)

The symptoms of lymphoma may vary depending on the severity of the condition. One of the more common symptoms of the condition includes swollen lymph nodes in the neck, groin and armpits. Other symptoms of lymphoma include fever, fatigue, chills, sudden weight loss, night sweats, and unexplained itching, etc.

Treatment Options for Lymphoma

Tablet with the diagnosis Lymphoma on the display

The treatment for lymphoma will depend greatly on the severity of the cancerous cells as well as their location within the body. While Hodgkin Lymphoma can be easily cured, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma is harder to treat with fewer success rates than the former. While treatments may differ for both types of Lymphoma, some individuals may need to opt for a combined treatment method.

Accordingly, some of the more common treatment options for lymphoma include:

  • Watchful Waiting

Some forms of NHL will not grow actively and so need to be monitored regularly for abnormal growth.

  • Chemotherapy


This is a standard method of treatment for many types of cancer, including NHL. In this case, anti-cancer medications are administered via injections and tablets for a certain period of time to kill the cancerous cells.

  • Radiotherapy

Man in 40s undergoing MRI open scan, male and female doctor smil

This method utilizes X-rays to target the cancerous cells and kill them by exposing them to radiation. This method is usually recommended for adults and not children.

  • Immunotherapy


This treatment for NHL involves using natural medications and body substances to increase the strength of the immune system and allow it to fight off the disease on its own. These medications are combined with chemotherapy for desirable results.

  • Stem Cell Transplantation

Stem Cell Transplantation

Chemotherapy can damage healthy blood cells in addition to killing the cancerous cells. The treatment can also damage healthy stem cells in the process. Stem cell transplantation aka autologous stem cell transplant will allow these stem cells to be removed from the body and preserved while the latter is being subjected to high levels of chemotherapy. The stem cells are then transplanted back into the body once the chemotherapy session is over. An allogenic stem cell transplant is said to be done when the stem cells needed for the transplant are taken from

Lymphoma is a disease that occurs in the lymphatic system and all connected nodes and organs. Caused by the abnormal growth of lymphocytes in the body, this form of cancer is can be treated by one or a combination of these treatments.

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