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Cancer genes permanently turn on with smoking: Study

smoking turns on cancer genes

Scientists have confirmed that smoking has a high possibility to turn on cancer genes in an individual’s body ‘permanently’! As per the study there are details which even mention how this cancer can be dangerous even if the person quits smoking.

Smoking and Cancer have always been a hand in hand discussion. Over a period of time there have been many such researchs over the relation between the cause and the disease. The research which has been recently released shows that when a smoker quits smoking a lot of genetic changes can be observed, but some genes remain a potential threat which can be cancerous as well.

Research also claims that only one-fifth of the genes in a cell gets active at a given point of time. Raj Chari of the British Columbia Cancer Research Centre in Vancouver and colleagues sought a comparison research between 20 tissue samples of smokers and former smokers versus the gene-activity of four people who were not acquainted with smoking.

The inference of the research showed that few repair genes were turned off in smokers and remained off in former smokers as well. As per reports of the research a gene named CABYR which helps sperms to swim is found to be switched off both in smokers and former smokers.

The same genes is also responsible for other cell movements as well inclusive of cells in the airways may be helped to move their tail-like cilia to push mucus along.

The research also throws light on a gene named ENTPD8 which appears to play a role in damaging DNA is switched on in smokers but not in former smokers. So quitting smoking can elimiated the risk of atleast damaging ones DNA make. As per the researchers,

These irreversible changes may account for the persistent lung cancer risk despite smoking cessation. Fifty percent of newly diagnosed lung cancer patients are former smokers. It is therefore important to understand the effects of tobacco smoking on the (airways) in both active and former smokers.

All those who associate smoking with aiding digestion or a status image may now get a reason to think twice before holding a cigarette in their hands. These kind of scientific research needs to be made public and more vocal to all those who may not be news savvy but may be receptive of news through other forms of media. After this research though one can say its better to not damage ones DNA rather than killing your very existance.

Smokers may not be able to turn off the cancerous gene if present but they can keep their DNA healthy and strong if they consider to quit this hazardous disease which seems to have engulfed many in its smoke as of today.

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