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Cancer can be tackled with blackberries

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Did you know that the berries that you eat could help in controlling cancer? It has been found out that certain varieties of berries such as black raspberries, blackberries and strawberries could help in preventing various cancers such as oral, esophageal and colon cancer from spreading in the human body.

OSU Medical Center researchers are undertaking studies for studying the effects of berry consumption. It has been found out that blackberries and raspberries can be effective in preventing cancer tumors from spreading and they also have antioxidants properties in them.

As per Dr. Gary Stoner:

We started talking about possibly preventing cancer with berries rather than ellagic acid, which is not in the juice of the berry, but in the seed and the pulp. The concentration of ellagic acid in the berries increase tenfold by taking out the water. And we said if we embark on this we need to identify a single source to standardize this as much as possible.

If nature gives us some problems then it also offers the cure for it. Hopefully berries would be effective in removing cancer from planet earth.

Via thelantern

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