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Breaking the myths that surround the world of the Diet Cola

world of the Diet Cola

Next time you think to consume a “low-calorie” or a diet soda to gain health benefits, think again. Read on to know the ill effects of diet colas on your health.

Nothing is “calorie-free”

Aspartame is a health deteriorating substance found in the diet sodas. It increases the level of phenylalanine in the brain. Methanol and amino acids are formed, when aspartame is converted in the body, these generate calories. Since the amount of calories released is low, the diet soda manufacturers claim them to be “zero calorie”.

Diet Sodas increase your waistline and not help you get in shape

A very interesting study appeared in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. The lifestyle of hundreds of men and women above the age of sixty were studied for more than nine years. The waistline of people who did not take any diet drinks at all increased less than an inch over the period. Then there were people who had a diet drink not very often, their waists increased two inches. Surprisingly the third group of people was the one that consumed a diet drink every day, their waists were three inches increased on an average.

Top side effects of diet sodas and drinks

Researchers from the Harvard medical School studied more than 3,000 women for more than a decade. They discovered that the consumption of diet sodas increased the risk of Kidney malfunction. The kidneys of women who had two diet drinks a day started deteriorating.

Another study by the University of Minnesota revealed that the people who consumed one can of a diet drink everyday had a 34% greater risk of metabolic syndrome.

Diet sodas have the potential to make a person overweight, as per the study conducted by a University of Texas Health science.

The Royal Adelaide hospital discovered in their study that a person who takes alcohol with diet soda gets drunk faster, following a terrible hangover.

Sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate is a preservative in many if not all diet sodas, posses the capability to cause damage the DNA largely. A professor of the University of Sheffield made this revelation in 1999 and stunned the world.

University of Michigan studied the dental health of a group and found out that people who had sodas more often had a bad dental health. The pH balance of water is 7 and anything below 7 is acidic. Diet sodas are pretty acidic as their pH is 3.2, which facilitates tooth decay.

Despite the revelations of a number of studies, that shows the ill effects of diet sodas on health. They are easily available in the markets around the world. It is time for the governments to intervene and make the consequences of taking diet soda clear to the people at large.

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