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Body cleanse diet

Detox Diet

People all around the world are looking for a way to lose some weight. In this regards, cleansing the body comes to several people’s mind as it is an effective approach to shedding weight. Cleansing body helps in removing toxic chemicals from the body that accumulate with the passage of time. Cleansing process brings numerous benefits to the human body.

Benefits of Cleansing Process:

1. Increased energy levels
2. Weight loss
3. Improvement in immune system functioning
4. Healthy body

Diet is plays the key role when you’re looking for body cleansing. Appropriate and healthy diet has immeasurable benefits for us.

You should completely eradicate the use of food items which contain toxic substances. Synthetic colors, flavors and preservatives contain large amount of toxic elements. An individual must concentrate on reducing the intake of alcohol, coffee, salt, sugar, red meat, saturated fats and canned goods.

Consumption of organic foods should be given preference when you are looking to go through the body cleansing process. Ample amount of water, green vegetables, nuts, whole grains and fruits come handy in cleansing process.

Body Cleanse Diet

An individual needs to change his/her diet plan completely for the body cleansing process. You need to make your body get used to consumption of vegetables and fruits. For this, you can start with an intake of 32-64 ounces/day of fresh juice pinched from fresh fruits and raw vegetables for 10 days. Drink eight glasses of water along fresh juice to eliminate the toxins from your body. Laxative tea before going to sleep can prove helpful.

Cleansing Juice Recipes:

1. For Kidney: 1 lemon’s juice, 2 carrot’s juice, 2 tomatoe’s juice and water well mixed with each other.
2. For Skin: Combination of extracts of cucumber, 4 ounces of alfalfa sprouts, 4 twigs of mint, half bunch of parsley and water.
3. Body Building: Juice of 6 oranges, 2 bunches of grapes, 8 lemons, quarter cup honey and water should be mixed in a blender.

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