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Blood Test To detect Alzheimer's disease

A simple blood test could soon be the best way to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease and predict risks as early as six years before onset. In a study published on Sunday in the journal Nature Medicine, an international team of researchers describe 18 cell-signaling, or communication, proteins found in blood that predicted with 90 percent accuracy whether a person would develop Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that affects about 18 million people world wide(WHO figures). It is manifested as a gradual decline in memory, reasoning, and the ability to communicate. Alzheimer’s is very difficult to diagnose, as mild memory problems may also be a natural symptom of old age. Currently, doctors diagnose Alzheimer’s disease by excluding other potential causes of memory loss, such as stroke, tumors and heavy drinking. They can also administer simple paper-and-pencil tests. Brain scans are also used, but the only definitive diagnosis is post mortem.

If proven to be effective, this blood test would be a huge breakthrough. But first the study must be replicated by other labs and in larger studies. The study was part of collaboration between Satoris and several dementia centers in the United States and Europe. Patrick Lynn, president and chief executive officer of Satoris, said he hopes to develop a test that can be used in research centers by 2008.


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