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Birth control pills and the side effects that could throw side effects of the digestive system

An increasing number of women are dependent on oral contraceptives or birth control pills to avoid pregnancy. However, many of them are even unaware of the different types of birth control pills that are available with varied effects. While there are several brands to choose from, there is also a choice between extended-cycle and low-dose pills. Women may also go for progestin-only pills or combination pills that have different levels of progestin and estrogen. It is not advisable to pick up just any birth control pill and take it without medical advice.


Your gynecologist may suggest the right pill for you, as these birth control pills may have slight to severe side effects. While such pills are not the same as they used to be at the time of inception, their effectiveness is still being judged and improved. There are a few of these pills that may even cause ovarian cancer or inflammatory diseases in women. Along with occasional side effects, many of these pills may commonly affect your digestion. Thus, it is not safe to consume birth control pills without understanding their formulas and possible side effects. Although these pills have some pros, they do not come without cons.

When we talk about some common issues occurring due to the use of birth control pills, we may notice that many women experience high blood pressure, blood clotting and stomach ache. This means that birth control pills definitely put a negative effect on your digestive system. Check out here some of the possible digestive side effects that may occur.



Even though nausea is a common problem that may happen after an intake of birth control pills, it is not suggested to discontinue if you are on the pill. It is critical to talk to your gynecologist before you stop the use of pills. In many cases, nausea is a short-term sickness that goes away after a few months. However, it should be handled if it has become a regular trouble. Some relief treatments can be taken up for nausea. While some women may find it soothing to drink ginger ale or peppermint tea, others may find it helpful to give a cool compress to their forehead.



Taking birth control pills may also cause vomits that may be controlled by consuming the pill at bedtime. However, it may not work for some women who are unable to handle uneasiness. Thus, it is better to consult your doctor if you vomit frequently.

Complex digestive system problems:

woman consuming Contraceptive pills

While nausea and vomits may be treated to an extent, some women may also face serious inflammation due to birth control pills. There have been various cases of gallbladder inflammation, pancreas blockage and gallstones after women consumed pills from certain brands. A progestin called drospirenone has also been linked to the formation of blood clots and other complex digestive system problems. This progestin is found in pills from several brands that have also come under fire due to increasing issues. Thus, it is highly important to read about the risks indicated on product labels before you use them.

Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease:

There have also been medical studies that have indicated toward a connection between the intake of birth control pills and developing Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease refers to the intestinal lining having serious inflammation. Some experts have also suggested that you may develop this disease if you continue your intake of birth control pills for more than five years. This happens due to long-term effects of estrogen on colon permeability.

Thus, you must consult a healthcare practitioner if you are planning on a long-term usage of birth control pills. The intake of these pills may cause regular to complex digestive side effects.


Birth control pills can be a necessity for several women. It is however very important to consult a doctor as they may have several side effects, including those on your digestive system.

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