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Beware before you Pop a Corn!

Now think twice before eating your Popcorns. The popcorns that you eat might cause a potential health concern. The national institute of occupational safety found out that a large number of former workers in various microwave popcorn plants had developed lung disease commonly known as popcorn worker’ lung.


Consumers of popcorn may also be at risk as inhaling diacetyl fumes while microwaving the popcorn. Diacetyl is a chemical present in the artificial butter flavour in the popcorn. Regular exposure to it can cause bronchiolitis obliterans, or chronic scarring of the airways.

Doctors believe to have found the first consumer case and they also believe that the disease is extremely rare in young people. Popcorn companies are now working out ways to replace this colouring agent.
Via: The Independent

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