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Augmented Reality Projects and Products that Open the Next Healthcare Frontier

Augmented reality has gained popularity mainly because it keeps you attached to reality and it gives you information as fast as possible. The usefulness and success of Augmented reality can be fathomed from the success of games like Pokemon Go. Augmented reality has great potential in the healthcare field.

  1. Locate defibrillators quickly

The first thing that you will do in a medical emergency is to dial emergency numbers from your phone. But with the Layar reality browser combined with AED4EU app you can locate the nearby defibrillators and AED’s quickly. Lucien Engelen from the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands, created this app and it helps you adding a place where these defibrillators and AED’s are located.Layar browser will also let you project the location of the AED on your phone. Thus, it can actually help you save lives.

  1. Google glass can help in breastfeeding

Google glass can help in breastfeeding

Google Glass can help new mothers in breastfeeding. It actually helps one see through the eyes of the Mother.The AR helps mothers get help whenever they require and they do not even have to put their child away.

  1. AR helps describe symptoms better in ophthalmology patients

Ophthalmologist adjusting slit lamp

Eyedecide is a medical app. Using this app doctors can easily get simulation of the patient’s vision. This helps the doctor understand the problem better. It also lets him understand about the seriousness of the problem. The app can help the doctor understand the severity of conditions like cataract.

  1. Helps nurses find veins with ease:

Accu Vein’s has used AR technology in an innovative way which has made the lives of both patients and nurses much easier. They have a hand held scanner which helps the nurses locate the veins with ease. This is definitely good news for those patients who have to take intravenous injections.

  1. AR to study the anatomy

AR to study the anatomy

We all know that study of the anatomy is a must in medicine, and there are the old traditional ways of studying it like text books and charts. However, Anatomy will make the study easier. Work is being done with apps like OCR so that one can get visuals and information about the skeletal structure with the help of augmented reality.

  1. Current Studios


While doing an MRI, it is important that the patient remain still. It is a difficult thing for children, and in several cases, for adults as well. Therefore, current studies have come up with a tablet game for kids, which make use of AR technology. Children are asked to play this game before doing an MRI. This game measures the child’s ability to remain still for long time. Using this data the doctor can decide if the child needs to be put on general anesthesia or not.

  1. VA-ST

VA-ST visor

Majority of blind people have some vision. They mainly face problems in recognizing faces or obstacles in the path or in reading,driving etc. The VA-ST visor helps in overcoming these issues. This will help the blind person get a better idea about persons and situations that have better contrast. VA-ST visor creates an outline around these objects which makes recognition easier for the blind person.

  1. Can help surgeons in OR

Low angle view of surgeon holding gloved hands up

Lots of precision is required when it comes to surgeries. It can not only help them conduct surgeries with less invasive procedures, but it can also help them locate tumors without the use of radiations. This is truly helpful not just for the surgeons, but also for the patients.

AR technology can thus make the lives of the medical fraternity and the patients easy. Lots of new apps and devices are being built on AR technology, whichopen the next healthcare frontier.

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