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Are Football World Cup matches not good for health?

Beware, World cup fans. You have been warned in advance. Cases of heart strokes, depression, violence, over boozing, smoking, home violence and even suicide may happen during the football World cup matches. The next World cup event is a month ahead only. Medical experts are very much worried for the impacts of this happening event.

A study in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) reports that when England lost to Argentina in a penalty shootout in the 1998 World Cup, the number of heart attacks in Britain rose by 25 per cent. Another study says that in the Netherlands, 14 extra male deaths happened when Dutch team were lost by France in European championships in 1996.

World Cup in 1950 causes some Brazilians suicide when their team lost in a shock defeat to Uruguay. At the same time, a researcher, Vas Sivarajasingam, a researcher at Cardiff University, says that the threat of violence is more when a team wins the game, rather than losing it. Because winning associates with alcohol consuming, a factor to increase the violence.
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