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Not always the bad guy: Health benefits of carbohydrate rich foods

Carbs foods


Carbohydrates form one of the three major macro-nutrients that are essential for our body to function effectively. As per the U.S. Department of Agriculture Dietary Guidelines for Americans, it is said that 45%-65% of our calories should come from carbs. Carbohydrates are essentially the primary source of energy and complex carbohydrates are extremely high in minerals and vitamins, apart from being a rich source of fiber. Carbohydrates provide many health benefits and should form a major chunk of your dietary intake. However, it should be noted that you should be judicious in your intake of carbohydrates by incorporating complex carbohydrates which can be found in many fruits, vegetables and grains.

Carbohydrates are easy sources of energy

Carbohydrates provide energy that can be easily obtained in the form of glucose. Carbohydrates are instantly broken down into simple sugars and glucose by the saliva which is then rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal walls. It is then distributed to the cells and muscles for instant use or can be retained in the liver in the form of glycogen or can be stored in the form of fat. The glucose released through protein is a slower process, and hence carbs are more dependable as an instant source of energy. One of the side effects associated with low-carb diets is a reduction in the functioning of the brain. A simple illustration of the immediate energy boost from carbs can be from the fact the people suffering from hypoglycemia or very low blood glucose level can immediately recover from the bout by eating some sugar.

Carbohydrates promote muscle health

Carbohydrates are extremely beneficial for muscle tissues, as our body tends to look for glucose stored as glycogen in case the body is in starvation mode. If glycogen is not available, then only does the body burn protein tissues in the muscles to derive energy. Hence, the energy produced by carbs essentially prevents the burning or breaking down of muscle tissues. It is important to incorporate carbohydrates in our diet, so that the body does not break the muscle tissues for generating energy, which is detrimental for our health. Hence, a diet deficient in carbohydrates would place the body in a starvation mode, wherein the muscle tissues would be attacked for deriving energy for the body.

Complex carbs and fibers are good for digestion

Carbohydrates can be divided into two categories: simple and complex. There are two types of complex or dietary fibers: insoluble and soluble. Both these fibers comprise of indigestible polysaccharide carbohydrates that cannot be converted into glucose. Surprisingly, the fact that these fibers are not digestible makes them very healthy. The bulkiness in fibers benefits digestion as the fibrous matter is propelled with muscle movements to the colon, thereby reducing various digestive disorders like diverticulitis, constipation, diverticulitis and even colon cancer. Fiber also helps us to remain fuller for a longer time, and prevents us from overeating, hence, contributing to weight management.

Complex carbs are good for maintaining blood sugar levels

Complex carbohydrates are also important for regulating rapid surges in blood sugar levels. The presence of fiber in the digestive tract prevents the immediate conversion of carbs to glucose. This slowing of the process of the body to absorb sugars prevents our sugar levels from spiking and causes it to rise at a normal speed. However, our body does experience a spike in sugar level if we tend to indulge in a lot of simple carbohydrates, however, balancing it out with complex carbs would put prevent such a thing to happen. Hence, diabetics are particularly advised to have complex carbohydrates for maintaining healthy sugar levels.

Carbs help to increase mental faculties and capabilities

The human body breaks carbs into glucose, so that it can be taken in rapidly by our muscles and cells. It is important that you should take a minimum amount of 130 g daily in order to prevent your body from breaking your protein and fat reserves for energy. Findings from the Franklin Institute for Science Learning state that glucose is rapidly consumed by the body during mental activity and therefore mental concentration drains the body of a lot of glucose. Therefore, it is important to maintain at least a minimum level of carbohydrate intake for proper brain function. Going on fad diets that ban carbohydrates from the diet are known to be detrimental for the functioning of the brain if done for a long period of time.



Carbs help in calcium absorption

Carbohydrates prevent a lot of chronic diseases and it is said that carbohydrates aid the absorption of calcium from foods. A lot of studies and research have been conducted to prove that the intake of carbohydrates aids the absorption of calcium in the body. It is due to the presence of many vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates have the property to help the body absorb calcium from the food that we eat. Hence, in order to have stronger bones and teeth for a longer time, it is important to have a good dietary intake of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are a rich source of fiber

Fiber is important for your body and carbohydrates are a rich source of complex carbs or fibers. You can choose to stay healthy by eating healthy carbs rich in fiber such as fruits and vegetable that have numerous health benefits. Fiber enables the absorption of water in your digestive tract and helps in the excretory function. Fiber leads to fewer bowel-related complications and constipation. Apart from this, it also slows the digestion process which in turn enable your body to absorb minerals and nutrients in a greater amount. Fiber rich food also results in lower cholesterol levels and a reduced risk of heart disease and many types of cancers.


Carbohydrates are a rich source of vitamins

Carbs are also a very good source of vitamins. Each natural food containing carbohydrates has a beneficial quality which makes it rich in particular vitamins and minerals. However, in order to benefit more from carbohydrates, it is better to consume them in the natural state which also makes them rich in fiber. Fruits and vegetables are not only rich in fiber content but they also provide the body with many vitamins. A human body needs to ingest thirteen vitamins for it to function properly with their
associated benefits. Vitamins are essential to keep you protected from various diseases, to boost proper growth and development, to increase immunity and so on.

Carbohydrates are a rich source of phytonutrients

Carbohydrates in the form of foods such as vegetables and fruits are rich reserves of phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are chemicals that are found in vegetables and fruits which have various protective properties. They help to prevent your body from being attacked by harmful bacteria, provide resistance to certain diseases and also function as antioxidants. Eating fruits and vegetables with their skin would provide you carbohydrates that are rich in phytonutrients. Cooking foods would invariably destroy most of the phytonutrients, hence it is advisable to eat them in the natural state. Without fiber-rich carbohydrates, our body would stop functioning properly and become malnourished. Hence, eating natural carbs instead of processed carbs would enable you to gain multiple health benefits.

Complex carbohydrates help in weight management

If you believe that fad diets that promote a no-carbohydrate diet chart would help you lose those extra pounds, then you are mistaken. Carbohydrate foods that contain simple sugars such as cakes, cookies, colas etc, are the culprits that should be avoided altogether. Carbohydrates have always been an essential part of our daily diet, so ignoring carbs would harm your health in the long run. Switch on to complex carbohydrates, or fiber-rich foods such as bananas, oats, whole grains as these are important sources of dietary fiber that leave your stomach with a feeling of fullness and prevents you from over-eating. Complex carbs are slowly absorbed in our digestive tract, and therefore we gain maximum benefits through optimum absorption of nutrients in our body. Hence, eating complex carbs is a great way to staying healthy and fit.


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